Dr. Verinder N. Khanna
Science, South Asian, Science

Verinder N. Khanna was born in Amritsar, India and moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1970. He became a Canadian citizen in 1975. He and his wife have resided in Rothesay, New Brunswick for 35 years. He retired from his medical career in 2006.
Dr. Khanna's medical training in internal medicine was completed at the New England Deaconess Hospital, the Lahey Clinic and the Joslin Clinic in Boston, Massachusetts in the United States. He was a Fellow in Rheumatology at the Rheumatic Disease Unit in Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, and was recruited by Dr. Henrick Tonning to start a Rheumatic Disease Unit at the Saint John General Hospital in Saint John, New Brunswick. Being the only Rheumatic Disease Unit dedicated to rheumatology in the province, Dr. Khanna's team provided patient care in Saint John and the rest of the province.
The many professional accomplishments of Dr. Khanna include Director of the Rheumatic Disease Unit and Chief of the Department of Medicine at Saint John General Hospital. At Dalhousie University, Dr Khanna served as a professor of Medicine and the Programme Director for Internship and Residency Training in Medicine at Saint John Campus. He was involved in clinical research in Rheumatology and Geriatric Medicine from 1975 to 2006.
Dr. Khanna is a founding member of the Indo-Canadian Society of Saint John (est. 1975) and life member of the Hindu Society of Saint John. He has served on many hospital and university committees and is a member of various local, national and international committees including the Multicultural Association and the Saint John Association of the Mobility Impaired.